Angol : The brand new adventures of Destiny (part2) |
The brand new adventures of Destiny (part2)
2005.02.05. 16:37
The brand new adventures of Destiny
Starring: Destiny – our beloved hero
Co-starring: God – Destiny’s almighty boss
*opening scene: God sitting in front of the TV watching friends intently*
”Mwuhahahaha!!! That was funny! Joey you’re the best! Hmmm… nice breasts Jennifer…”
*knocking on the door – God putting on the famous and feared God Pose and God Tone, clearing throat*
”Who dares to disturb my privacy!”
”It’s me, God. Destiny.”
*God muttering under breath*
”Son of a bitch…”
”Come in, my son!”
”Hi, Goddy!”
*God bursting out – totally out of the famous and feared God Pose and God Tone*
”How many times do I have to tell you? Do. Not. Call. Me. Goddy!!!”
”Hrm. Sorry. *not seeming sorry – at all…* Anyway. I’m here to give in my resignation.”
”You’re resigning? *staring blankly* What for?”
”I’d had enough! I don’t want to be Death anymore! *whining like a baby* Everybody hates me.”
*God patting him on the shoulder*
”That’s not true, honey.”
”Oh, but yes it is! *pointing out of the window to the… erm sky* People are rude to me. They throw things at me and never say thanks or sorry. I’m leaving! They’re mean and…”
”You’re going to get paid vacation.”
”Really? *beaming hopefully*”
”When have I ever lied to you?”
”Well… *thinks* …there was once when you told me you hadn’t eaten the last piece of chocolate, and when you said you weren’t masturbating when I walked in accidentally on Tuesday, and…”
”Right. *coughs* You remember them all. Joy. Anyway. Do you want it or not?”
” ’Course! Thanks God! *hugs* Love you! Bye!”
*walking off while jumping around and singing happily like an idiot*
*God sitting down, farting, sighing happily, grabbing the remote*
”What a loser. *grins* I didn’t tell him: Simon says.
~The End~